
Showing posts from November, 2021

Neurodevelopmental disorder

                  NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER   WHAT IS DIORDER? A disorder could be defined as a set of problems, which result in causing significant difficulty, distress, impairment and/or suffering in a person’s daily life. Looking at disorders in a little more detail, they are physical or mental conditions that disturb the regular or normal functions of everyday activities and day to day life. They can take up a lot of time and complicate the normal functioning of an individual. Due to the nature of disorders being flexible, they may not always be evident in every single situation and equally what may affect one individual may not be as troublesome to another individual in the same situation. Therefore, a disorder is a very flexible and individual term. Equally, a disorder may be persistent, relapsing and remitting, it is not unusual for symptoms to wax and wane over time and become a little like a rollercoaster, with the severity increasing during times of stress, perhaps at work,

Psychological effects of beauty standards

            PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF BEAUTY STANDARDS  As per psychology, beauty has many more components than just what is visible with our naked eyes. Our brain is wired to certain elements that we consider as beautiful. It can be according to our culture, experiences, or what we see around us. The world is a hard place to live in, and in the world of social media, there are certain beauty standards all around the world. We see influencers every day trying to figure them out and secretly wishing if we were anything like them. But what we don’t realize is that the self-criticism often has negative effects on both our mind and body. So in this Blog, we are going to discuss the psychological effects of beauty standards and how you can deal with it. what is beauty? Beauty  is a quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (such as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, o

Negative aspects of Beauty standards in India

   NEGATIVE ASPECTS OF BEAUTY STANDARDS IN INDIA  w hat are the today`s beauty standards in India?   T oday’s beauty  standards  say that women are expected to wear makeup in their daily lives, work out at the gym, stay skinny with curves in the right places, and be young. A men should have 6 feet height should have six pack abs always be in suits. However, what makes today different from the past is that we can also show our uniqueness, as society has become more inclusive. These trends are all influenced by history and technological developments that we’re about to tell you all about. Beauty standards in India  talking about color differences in India,  If an Indian girl has white skin, she is automatically considered attractive even if her face isn’t that good. This is Indian beauty standards for you. that doesn`t apply for all over India but if we see many places men or boy consider a white girl as beautiful rather than black. I don`t even understand what`s wrong with peoples if a